Sunday, December 26, 2010

Back at the wheel...

Well I do believe that my last post was on the order of almost five years ago. Many things have happened since that time, including blogger adopting a new login scheme which provided just enough disincentive to login to my account and update my blog.

Recently, as I reflected on all of the new changes that have happened in life, I began to lament the negligence with which I have kept this blog- after all, is a pretty badass URL, and one with powerful symbolism. The global wobble is a phenomenon which causes a cyclical weather pattern on earth, and leads to a repeating cycle of rebirth of the planet. What better concept to epitomize the way in which one’s life goes through changes and cycles, periods of warming and cooling, of life and death, of hope and despair.

In the past five years, I have gotten married to a lovely lady (while it seems like it was just yesterday when we were walking in the fan in historic Richmond, prompting me to write my previous post). We ended up choosing a small house in a rundown part of Richmond known as Church Hill, and with the recent birth of our first son Isaac only a few weeks ago, we will be forced to look towards the ‘burbs for a larger place.

I have finally taken the plunge into management, stepping down from an active programming position at my company, and taking a leadership role over about 10 or so engineers. Being a manager is different than I expected, and has an entirely new set of challenges than when I was an “army of one” programmer. Most days I miss being able to sit at my desk by myself and go into a technical guru mode, but I hope that as the team grows stronger, that I will have the time to immerse myself in a little pool of tech, perhaps pioneering some next gen work that I can feed back into the team.

Either way, blah blah blah, im back, and I hope to be posting regularly, casting my proverbial message in a bottle unto the abyss.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Storage solutions of the future

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click Online | Storage solutions of the future

"Adrian Mars says: "Holographic storage is essentially writing images - holograms - into a sugar cube-sized block.

"The plan is that you'll be able to get at least a terabyte of information into a single sugar cube...."

Risk 2110 A.D.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Spanish vote on EU constitution

I am very excited to see the fervor going in in Spain about ratifying the EU Constitution. Its no fun with the US and China as the only super powers, and I think we are seeing the negative impact it is having on our country. I was listening to NPR yesterday, and they were broadcasting a story about some wreched conservative convention, and one thing that this guy said made me think. He was speaking about the Democratic party and he said, "let this also be a warning. A warning to what happens to a party once it begins to view dominance as entitlement" or something of that sort. He was simply saying that the biggest mistake the Democrats made was the mindset that they belonged in power. When I look at the politics of the United States, I hope that the EU stands up to us more and more in the near future. It will be good for us.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Home shopping begins

2 North Granby ($$$$) Posted by Hello

And man let me tell you, I sure did pick the expensive end of town. Starting off our day in historic Richmond district, Church Hill, we worked our way west to the Fan. Church Hill actually encompasses the original settlement of Richmond from way back in the day. I couldn't really find the "good" part of the town, though my friends assure me that it exists.

On an empty belly we worked our way west to the Fan and fell in love with houses completely too expensive for my own good. A man can dream, can't he?

Next time maybe I'll start somewhere in the middle.

Friday, February 18, 2005

The Republican 100 Year Conspiracy

I was thinking about the ebb and flow of politics in this country. Now im not formally schooled in the finer details of our government and its idiocrasies over the years, but the thought occured to me that the republicans have been planning this all along.

Damn them and their Direct Mail. Why couldn't the democrats be the first ones to create spam?